Friday, May 27, 2011

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Last year, on a whim, I bought a cucumber plant, watermelon plant, pepper plant and a few tomato plants in July and grew them in a few pots.  My "garden" did not yield a lot of produce.  I think I got 1 pepper that started to rot while I waited for it to turn red, 4 cucumbers which were VERY tasty, 1 watermelon the size of a baseball and a bunch of tomatoes that I don't eat.  I think I would have gotten a few more vegetables, but Kayak helped herself to them before they were ripe.

Joe jumped on the vegetable garden band wagon with me this year and actually did some research-which is NOT my favorite thing to do.  He actually got the book The Backyard Homestead.  This book covers everything you would ever need to know about growing a vegetable garden, raising chickens, pigs, cattle and bees all in an acre lot.  Don't worry-we are not getting more animals-quiet yet anways.

We are starting small with two raised garden beds - 4 feet by 8 feet.  We built the garden boxes in our garage.

E was such a big helper.  He wanted all of his own tools to help.

We got the two boxes built and into the yard and filled them with compost.  Before we even got any plants into the dirt, we already had a butterfly in the garden.  E had fearful fascination of the butterfly.  He loved watching it and wanted to hold it, but when it started flying around he freaked out a little.

Joe graphed out the plot and decided where to put all of the vegetables, for a moment I thought that I was married to an engineer.  E had a great time digging in the dirt and putting the seeds in the ground.  When the job was done, we had planted corn, green beans, peas, sunflowers, tomatoes, onions, lettuce, cucumbers, and peppers. 

Notice the three foot fences.  These are to keep out the dogs along with the rabbits that think that our yard is a good place for them to call home.  Hopefully, this garden yields a bigger crop than my "garden" last year. 

Stay tuned...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

And so it begins...

I have been thinking about writing a blog for awhile now, and so I have taken the leap.  I love to scrapbook, but I haven't had much time for it since E arrived 2 and a half years ago.  I also love taking pictures and have tons of them on my computer.  I always have stories to go with my pictures and great scrapbook pages in my head to go with the pictures, but they rarely make it onto the page.  I am thinking that blogging can be my way of "scrapbooking" for now, and I can always go back and make the pages from the pictures and my journaling here.

You are probably wondering where the title of my blog came from, I was trying to come up with a catchy name and I was drawing a blank.  I knew that I wanted to write about being a mom to E, being a wife and everything that comes along with both of those things.  E's favorite foods are hot dogs, noodles and chicken nuggets, so that is where the title came from.

And a little something to make you smile, it sure made me smile.