We went to ASCA Nationals in West Bend, WI the week of September 17th, 2011. ASCA (Australian Shepherd Club of America) offers a non-regular pee-wee conformation class for kids 3-5 years old. This is a great opportunity for young kids to do something fun with their dogs and get to experience the conformation class (pretty dog show).
E was signed up for 3 shows. 2 pre-shows before Nationals and then Nationals. Adults who show in conformation, get dressed up and look nice and the same goes for juniors.
We brought with 4 different suits for E to wear. My mom and I made three different ties-the pirate one above was one of them. Thankfully, E was all about looking "handsome" and getting dressed up to walk his dog Ace.
Ace is a friend's almost 13 year old black tri Aussie. He is the perfect Pee-Wee dog. He can't hear very well and he loves treats. He is very tolerant of E pulling him around as long as he had secure footing. Ace did GREAT and so did E.
The white suit that E is wearing was the same suit that his dad wore 30 years ago when he was in his uncle's wedding. Joe's mom made the suit and she was so happy that E was able to wear the suit again.
E was a natural moving Ace around the ring. He followed the judges directions very well, he kept control of his dog, he demonstrated confidence in telling the judge how old he is, what his dog's name is and how old his dog is.
I am sooooooooooooo proud of my little man. It gave me goose bumps when I saw him in his suits. We couldn't walk through the fairgrounds without getting many compliments of how handsome he was. Random people were taking pictures of him and posting them on their facebook pages. A little odd for me, but also a very proud moment.
One of my goals as a parent is to raise a confident child. Through my love of dogs, I am raising a confident child!

Monday, September 26, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Monster Birthday Party
E turned 3 and we celebrated in style...
For months, E had been talking about having a MONSTER themed birthday party, so I went on the hunt for the perfect cake. I googled "monster cakes" and I got a lot of hits. Some were do able, some not so much. Here is the final result...
The cupcakes were some of my favorite. They were such cute and friendly monsters.
Here comes the birthday boy on his 4-wheeler pulling a wagon and ready to give his cousin's rides.
Seeing Uncle Jon for the first time this visit.
A monster pinata. It took a LONG time
to break open, you would of thought that it was metal lined.
Opening presents, such a lucky boy.

Blowing out the candles.
E loves to sing himself 'Happy Birthday' and today was no exception.
His Grandma Rita got him interested in this game. Last summer, when we picked them up from the airport, there was a big storm and there was no power at their house when we dropped them off. We ate pizza by candlelight and then Grandma began singing Happy Birthday and letting E blow out the candle. It kept him entertained in the dark for at least 10 minutes. Now he can sing Happy Birthday very well and blow out the candles without too much spit on the cake.
Friday, September 9, 2011
This was me three years ago. I felt as big as a HOUSE! I couldn't wait to meet the little boy that was growing inside of me and busting to get out.
He arrived at 10:30am on September 10th, 2008 weighing 8lbs, 9ozs and 21 inches long. That was the second happiest day of my life, the first was my wedding day when I married the man of my dreams.
We have come a long way from this day to where we are today....
Our baby is turning 3 today!
What a year this has been. Some people say that two's are terrible, but I thought that they were wonderful. Don't get me wrong, some moments I wanted to pull my hair out, but I am honored to be your mother. It has been so much fun to watch you grow and learn over the last year. You became a "preschooler", you are no longer wearing diapers, you are the "class clown", you are so observant of your environment, you talk about things that I don't think that you would understand. We did so much as a family this year, we went on our first camping trip as a family, we went on a week long fishing trip, you caught your first fish, again you went to many agility trials, you went to your first "dog" class, and we made so many more memories that I hold so dear.
Your dad and I can't wait to see what the next year will bring. We are so proud to be your parents! We love you with all of our hearts! Happy 3rd Birthday to our Happy Boy!
Love, Mom and Dad
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