Thursday, July 14, 2011

Look What the Mailman Brought Us


The OT in me was thinking that we needed a sandbox of some kind at our house.  Joe of course said that he could "make one."  I have heard that before and about 5% of the time it actually happens.  I didn't really want a sand BOX though, because that means that E would sit in it and bring sand into the house, we already have enough stuff tracked into the house by three dogs that we didn't need E to bring sand in too.  I also didn't want the rabbits that call our yard home leaving their droppings in it.  After going to a birthday party and playing in a sand table, I thought that a table was the PERFECT compromise.  I was on a mission to get one at our house quickly.

I did some searching online and found this Step 2 Sand Table at Amazon.  I made the mistake of telling E that the mailman would be bringing his sand table.  For the next 4 days, every time he saw a mail carrier truck or a delivery truck of any kind, he asked if his sand table was on it.  Luckily, Amazon shipped the sand table VERY quickly.
The mailman made his delivery and I had the table set up in minutes.  I just needed to snap the four legs into place and dump in the sand (sold separately). It even came with shovels and a bucket.
E has already had hours of fun and so has Joe.

Our society has become overly obsessed with antibacterial soap, killing germs, screen time and kids aren't learning how to get messy and explore their environment.  I can't tell you how many kids come to OT because they can't get messy and they become distressed if they do.  Not knowing how to get messy or tolerating getting messy, can affect all areas of a child's life, from eating new foods, using a glue stick and wearing a variety of clothes.  Those are a few reasons why I needed to get E a sand table and you should get your child one too!

What's your favorite messy play activity from your childhood?


  1. FUN! I always wanted a sand table or a water table! He will love it! I always loved playing in the snow when I was little, I would be drenched from head to toe, frost bite on my face and feet, and frozen to the bone. I didn't care either! (I guess that's not messy, but it kind of is!)

  2. The neighborhood was being bulit when we were little, so there was always huge dirt piles. We would climb them and have dirt fights. Not the safest game. But it was dirty!! We love it!!

    Love the new blog look!!!
