Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day

We had a great Father's Day celebration this year!

J's parents and his brother's family came over for a lunch bar-b-que.  It was a great afternoon to be outside.  I was busy grilling that I didn't grab my camera, so I don't have any pictures from our lunch.  We had a great time just being together.

This is the gift that I made for J's dad.  The grandkids call him "Jodge" (spelled Dzia, Dzia in Polish).  I got the handprints from all of the grandkids-even the ones in Maine and Jodge's handprint-I told him that E needed it for a school project.  I am really happy with the way that it turned out.

The handprints I made for my dad

Our Family
We went over to my parent's in the evening to celebrate Father's Day.  It was my brother's first Father's Day and my dad's first Father's Day with both of his "boys."  I LOVE watching my dad with his grandsons'.  My dad has become very protective of E and little e.  I don't remember him being this protective when we were growing up.  Don't get me wrong, my dad didn't want us to be seriously injured or anything, but he gave us a long rope.  I think if he could, he would wrap the boys in bubble wrap if he could.  The one thing that I will always remember my dad telling us is, "It all evens out when you are 35."  He would say this when my brother and I were arguing over something not being fair or not getting to do something that the other one got to do.  I am approaching 35 and I am wondering what will happen when I turn that magical number-when will everything after I am 35 even out?

What a wonderful experience and opportunity that E and little e have growning up knowing their BaPa.  Some of my best memories growing up are with my grandparents.  I have memories of going to magical places such as Disney World, the Grand Canyon, Sea World, camping in Monticello, weeks in Arizona over Energy break, Thanksgiving in the desert, long Monopoly games, swimming, sun burns and many more wonderful memories to add to my list.

I wish that E and little e have the opportunity to develop many happy memories with all of their grandparents.

Happy Father's day to all the wonderful dad's and a big heartfelt thank you to my dad for being such a WONDERFUL dad and grandpa and my husband for being a FABULOUS father to E.

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