Wednesday, June 22, 2011

One of those days...

Today was one of those days, one of those days that I wish that I had many more hours in my day, a busy day.  I finally had a few moments of quiet time while I was making dinner, but it wasn't that quiet because I had so many thoughts running through my head.  A few of those random thoughts ...

When is this rain going to end?  Child development is AMAZING!  Watermelon in a dehydrator is SO tasty-so I made some.  Why do some people have such a hard time when kids mix play-doh colors together?  Is it really that big of a deal when a kid hits the marker hard on a piece of paper to make polka-dots and dents the tip?  It's not like we are coloring with the markers.

Sometimes it is really hard being and LEO's wife, but I wouldn't trade this life for anything.  Watermelon, shredded cheese, apple sauce and fruit snacks isn't the healthiest dinner for a 2 year old but at least he is eating.  I am not loosing weight like I would like, but I am also not eating the greatest-so I have only myself to blame.  It doesn't matter where a child sleeps at night, just as long as the child and parent get some sleep.  I can't beat myself up if he ends up in my bed one night, I don't know many teenagers that are sleeping in their parents' bed. How lucky I am to have such a great kid.  There is always tomorrow-but some times their isn't tomorrow, so I should be happy with what I have accomplished today.  The only person you need to answer to at the end of the day is yourself and God.  I don't think that I am going to run tonight.  Really... Treadmills for shrimp?

E in his "little bed" next to our bed. 
Notice his two cups of water, Woody fan and police car that is just outside the picture
E is tucked into his little bed, I have shows to catch up on in my DVR and I am ready to relax on the couch.  My mind has finally quieted, so I think that I am going to take advantage of that and relax for the first time today.

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