Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How Wonderful it is to be an Aunt

I have wanted to be aunt since I was about 8 years old.  Danny Prough down the street, became an uncle when he was 8 years old.  I remember trying to figure out how I could be an aunt while I was still in elementary school like him.  I did the math, and I was bummed when I figured out that it wasn't possible.  No matter how hard I wished it, it wasn't going to happen.

16 years later, I finally became an aunt!  I became an "aunt" to my high school best friend's daughter.  She has MANY biological aunts, but I was so happy to be her aunt and also be her godmother.  What an awesome responsibility that was bestowed upon me.  I have been forever honored.

A. is a VERY special girl and she holds a very special place in my heart.  I try and get a picture with her whenever we are together.

A few years later, I became an aunt again-this time, I married into the position.  I now have 2 nieces and 2 nephews.  They are all so special to me.  I don't get to spend a lot of time with 2 of them because they live in Maine, but I love it when they come to visit.  We pack a lot into the 2 weeks when they come and visit every year.

These two kids have the BIGGEST smiles!  

These two are SO much fun to hang out with.  It has been so much fun to watch L and N grow up.

Recently my brother fulfilled his duty, the one thing I wanted when I was 8 years old, and he made me an AUNT.  Little e was born into this world and I became an aunt again. 

I am so blessed to have all of these wonderful nieces and nephews in my life.  I take my job as an aunt seriously and with great pleasure.  I want to have a relationship with each of my nieces and nephews and watch them grow and become the awesome adults that I know they will be. 

Along with being an aunt, E gets to have great cousins to grow up with.  It takes some pressure off of us to have another baby soon too.

How special it is to be called, "Aunt"

* These pictures are NOT recent-but some of my favorite.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww cute!!! And such a great aunt you are! So many little kiddos love u and look up to you...especially little e. Thank you for being so good to him!
